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That will Change Your Intranet


Trend 5: The Ajax revolution hits the intranet


There has been a lot of buzz about Ajax in recent months. Ajax is a loose collection of programming technologies that speeds up the web experience and brings greater interactivity to websites. Google Maps, which allow you to scroll around city maps as if it were a local application on your desktop, is an excellent example of an Ajax implementation. See an excerpt on AJAX and Flex from AARF's 2006 Digital Media Outlook Report.


Imagine a physical map of your office on your intranet. Also imagine that you can scroll around it, click on a graphic of a desk and get a person’s name, designation and contact information. And imagine if by clicking on his or her name, you got a listing of all the recent emails sent to you by that person. Or imagine an application on your intranet that lets you quickly calculate your ideal monthly 401k contributions and depicts the results in a graph, without requiring several pages to load. And imagine the graph could be manipulated in real time. That’s the power of Ajax. See also the Screenshots page.


As you can tell, the possibilities are endless with Ajax and other similar technologies and tools like Macromedia Flex and Microsoft’s new Windows Presentation Framework. Expect to see nifty, task-oriented, highly interactive Ajax and flexbased applications on your intranet fueling the next wave of user adoption.


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